I was really excited for this book and went and preordered me a paperback and that's not something that I do lightly being that I am quite broke but I felt this book was meant to be read the old fashioned way and it did not disappoint.
I. Love. This. Book.
Gustavo Tiberius is rather weird, he reads encyclopedias before he goes to sleep, reads a motivational quote when he wakes, has a ferret named Harry S. Truman, owns a video store that hardly anyone ever comes into and has three awesome old lady biker friends who may be sisters or polyamorous lovers (he's too scared to ask). Sure he misses his dad everyday and maybe he's a bit lonely though he would never admit it but he's alright with that. Life is perfectly okay.
And then Casey Richards comes to town.
Casey is an Asexual Stoner Hipster who Instagrams everything he eats and is a sorta famous author of a popular paranormal book series that got turned into a movie, which Gus hates.
Gus has no interest in such a person.
But Gus can't deny that there's something there and somehow they end up becoming friends and oh my god maybe something more. But then Gus overhears something that makes him think that maybe being different is not as okay as he had believed and decides that if he wants Casey he has to change that.
So off Gustavo goes and "buys the internet" and starts researching how to become normal. So begins a new Gus even though the parts that Casey really loves are the un-normal ones.
Casey is a wonderful stereotypical Hipster who kept making me laugh with his hashtags and Gus, oh Gus such a precious soul who so does not need to change. Now don't get me started on the Lesbian Lovers, Sisters? Thespian riding badass old ladys, oh my god! They are a riot!
Really this book was hilarious and heart warming and proves that sex is so not the most important aspect in a relationship. And the cover? It's so minimalist and perfect and I Love it! Once again T.J. Klune delivers.