I was surprised when Maggie said she was gonna do this after she had been so adamantly against continuing the Wolves of Mercy Falls books. I'm crazy happy she did though, I love those books! I love Maggie's writing style she just makes you feel with her words it's beautiful really, only thing that makes them better is listening to them in audio, now that, I love which is why I went out and got this in audio! The narrators did a great job with Cole and Isabelle.
In this lovely companion novel to the Shiver books Cole has returned to Cali to search out Isabelle, ostensibly he's there to be in a TV show hosted by Baby North who's well known for destroying anyone who's ever on her show and with his drugged past he's perfect crash material for her show but Cole's worked hard to get away from his past and he's not about to go back no matter how insistently that past keeps knocking.
Isabelle has problems believing people can stay with how she lost her brother and now her parents marriage on the bend she's falling apart and just can't seem to grasp why Cole would possibly want her. Hiding everything behind her ice queen mask even she wonders if she's capable of feeling. Only Cole seems to understand her if only she'd stop pushing him away.
For a werewolf book there really is way too little shifting going on just Cole trying to escape his life for a few minutes mostly. Would have been nice to see him go wolf and savage the city, yea that would have been nice. Though Cole and Isabelle are cool I still prefer Sam and Grace from the original trilogy there just seems to be more love there or maybe it's just that they're better at expressing their feelings. I wonder If maybe Maggie is open to writing another one of Sam and Grace? *hint hint*
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